Developed by : Freelancing Care



Calcium is an important mineral, and recent research suggest that we only get about 1/3 of what we need for good health. Calcium is essential for human life – it makes up bones and teeth and is crucial in the process of conducting messages along nerves. It ensures that our muscles contract and that our heats beat. It is also extremely important in the maintenance of the immune system, among other things. 

There are many groups at risk of calcium deficiency especially the elderly. Because it is so important to our body processes that our bodies take what they need from our bones, which cause them to become thin and brittle. It is used therapeutically for allergies, depression, panic attacks, insomnia, and hyperactivity. Not to forget that extra should also be taken during pregnancy, while breast-feeding, and after menopause. It is recommended that calcium be taken in a good multivitamin and mineral supplement, although extra doses may be given up to 1,000 mg per day. 

Properties of Calcium

  1. Prevents Osteoporosis and helps treat the condition once symptoms manifest
  2. Prevents cancer
  3. Prevents heart disease
  4. Helps to keep the skin healthy
  5. Alleviates leg cramps
  6. Encourages regular beating of the heart
  7. Soothes insomnia
  8. Helps the body to metabolize iron
  9. Necessary for nerve-impulse transmission and muscular function


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