Developed by : Freelancing Care

Green Juice I


If you’re here and you’re new to juicing, you may find that this tastes a bit “earthy” because your taste buds may not be used to this whole thing. If that’s the case, just add an extra apple or two to sweeten it up.

You can blend this recipe too, but you’ll want to peel the lemon, lime, and ginger.


  1. 2 medium apples (3″ diameter)
  2. 3 large celery stalk (11″-12″ long)
  3. 1 cucumber (about 8-1/4″ long)
  4. 1/2 thumb of ginger root (about 1″ diameter)
  5. 1/2 of lemon (with rind)
  6. 1 lime (with rind)
  7. 1 bunch of parsley
  8. 2c of spinach

***when juicing anything where there is no peeling involved, please make sure the produce is organic. Just washing it would not remove any chemical residues***


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