Developed by : Freelancing Care

20 of The Most Embarrassing Things That Happened To People At The Gym

20 embarrassing gym moments

You’ve probably heard whispers and rumors at your gym. Tales of mortifying events like wardrobe malfunctions or epic wipe-outs abound, but they never seem to happen when you are there. Makes you wonder sometimes if these events took place at all.

Buzzfeed is here to assure you that these things do actually happen. They asked the Buzzfeed community to tell them their most embarrassing and awkward gym stories. Read More →

How to Remove Gallstones Naturally…


This week, I am doing a liver/gallbladder flush. Why? Here is the thing.

While pregnant with baby #2, almost 9 years ago, I suffered from heartburn – what I thought it was – and a lot of it. Spicy, salty, and greasy food would trigger the pain. I would consume tons of TUMS thinking it would help. Many times the pain would keep me up at night, and sometimes, would be so intense that I would throw up.

The problem did not ceased after having my son. So about a year after my son was born, my doctor did an ultrasound of my gallbladder to see if I had any stones; it came back negative. After intensive research, I found out that even with a negative ultrasound, you STILL can have gallstones as they are most likely located in the back of the organ, which would not be visible with the ultrasound. Makes sense to me. Read More →

Going Green: One Step at a Time

Have you considered going green?? It will be painless easy on your wallet!  Even better – you are making the environment a better place to live for you AND your family. When I say ENVIRONMENT, I’m talking about your immediate surroundings.

Just take a look under your sink.  It doesn’t get much more toxic dumping ground than down there.  I bet there are a few bottles of very harsh chemicals that you have no idea how long they’ve been under there.  Don’t let the idea of going green overwhelm you either.  Start simply and with one thing at a time.  You will drive yourself to the brink of insanity if you try to tackle everything at once.

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Apples: The Original Superfood

Before we go running off into the sunset with our new best friend the Goji berry, let us not forget our edible pal from wayyyyy back.  The constant companion of many of my childhood school lunches. My kids eat tons of apples and used to put almond butter on them until almonds made my hand joints swell.  One of the original SUPER foods, the fabulous apple!!!

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The Majic of Goji Berries

Today we are going to explore Goji berries. You’ve probably seen these little red devils popping up more and more frequently in recipes and in the aisles of your grocery stores.

What is a Goji berry?

The Goji berry, also called the wolfberry, is a bright orange-red berry that comes from a shrub that’s native to China. Although relatively new to the U.S. market, Goji berries have been part of Asian herbal medicine for over 5,000 years. Loaded with beta carotene, they are great for your skin. They are packed full of antioxidants, vitamin C, fiber, and over 20 trace minerals making them a “SUPERFOOD” powerhouse.  Treat Goji berries like a dried fruit.  Toss them in a salad, add them to your trail mix,  oatmeal, or even yogurt.  They pair very well with grains like oats, nuts like walnuts and fruits like strawberries.

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Cleanse for Life®

Every day we’re exposed to toxins in the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the items we touch. Cleanse for Life helps give your body the nutrition it needs to cleanse itself naturally, and unlike other “cleanses,” laxatives or diuretics that can deplete your body, Cleanse for Life nourishes and feeds your entire body with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and botanicals.

Deep and daily cleansing supports your mental and physical performance, resistance to stress and digestive health. It can also help protect your body from the cumulative damage of environmental toxins and oxidative stress. Read More →

The Difference Between Panko and Breadcrumbs

Panko and breadcrumbs are the pantry staples we reach for to add a crunchy topping to baked casseroles and to make a super crisp breaded coating for fried and baked foods. They’re pretty similar, but do you know what sets them apart?

It comes down to this: Breadcrumbs is a broad term, and there is more than one variety, one of which is Panko. What sets these two pantry staples apart is their texture and how they’re made.

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Natural Remedies to Prevent and Kill Head Lice

Looking for a natural cure for head lice? Tea tree oil comes from the plant melaleuca alternifolia of Australia. The oil is created by steaming this plant which contains anti-fungal and antiseptic properties used to treat head lice effectively.

What is Head Lice?

Head lice are tiny parasitic bugs that live on the scalp and hair of humans. They are white in color and lay eggs attached to the hair shaft. They are easily spread from one person to another, especially among children going to school. Read More →

The Food Illusion

What is The Food Illusion? First, let me define illusion…

il·lu·sion n
something that deceives the senses or mind, for example, by appearing to be one thing when it is in fact another

This is exactly what processed foods are to us – an illusion – or something that appears to be healthy (low fat, low carbs, vitamin fortified, no trans fats, contains omega-3s, lowers your cholesterol…this is just a few health claims by the food industry) when processed foods are in fact the very thing that is making a lot of Americans unhealthy, fat, and sick with chronic diseases including cancer. Read More →